Hello, and thank you for visiting the Raine Hamilton store. I very much appreciate that you are here. I worked with graphic designer Roberta Landreth, and visual artist Sarah Thiessen on these designs. I am very proud of the visual story these pieces tell. The imagery is very closely linked to the songs, serving as companion art to the album. How cool is that. I was intentional about sourcing Canadian manufacturers, so both of these items were made in Canada by small businesses.
Selling Raine Hamilton merchandise makes me smile! Thank you for your interest! In an age of shifting sands, where income from music sales is decreasing, and income from touring is in a weird place, income from merch sales really helps me keep going. Thank you for your support!
If you are interested in supporting the creation of my art directly, please see the support/donate page.
The store is able to ship worldwide. If you do not see a shipping option that reaches your region, please email info@rainehamilton.com.