
I have launched this Kickstarter campaign to raise money for two purposes:

1. Making and releasing an album

2. Helping kids access art by bringing workshops and concerts to schools. Because art is for everyone.

Check out the campaign on Kickstarter, Here. 


How this Works 

Crowdfunding is a way for interested people to support the work of artists. The idea is that a large group of people pledge their support (ranging from $10 - $1000), by pre-ordering the album, and selecting rewards. Then that money is pooled together, to get large scale, high-expense projects off the ground. In this campaign, you can pledge to support the costs of making an album, or pledge to support workshops and concerts in schools. 

Pledges come with rewards (like art and pie!), and all pledges come with a download of the album. AND all pledgers will receive a digital download of the new single, Lift Me Up, in early December. Visit Kickstarter to pledge your support. 

Thank you for your support <3